Explanation of Standard Legal Forms at DarkFire Photography
What is a Model Release Form?
The Model Release Form» is a contract that outlines the agreement between a model and a photographer, most often used in fashion or corporate photography but also in any portraiture or headshot photography. A model release allows the photographer to use the photos promotionally, for advertising, or for any other purpose in the future.
It's important to always obtain a signed model release form prior to shooting, regardless of whether the model is paid or unpaid. Even if the photographer doesn’t have any plans to license the photos, sometimes opportunities may be presented well after the shoot.
To prevent any future issues, the model release form must be signed prior to starting the photography shoot.
What is a Photo Release Form?
A Photo Release Form is a document signed by the photographer and given to the client so the client can print copies of the work (i.e. portraits, headshots, or wedding photos, etc.), put them on-line, and use them for self promotion. A Photo Release Form is specific to a set of designated photographs which the photographer makes available to the client. The photographer retains copyright to the photographs.
Specifically for DarkFire Photography, our requests are:
DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES do any of the following: retouch the images or make changes -- either yourself or a friend or anyone else; DO NOT PUT wacky Instagram-style filters on your images. Please remember that although you are free to use your images for as long as you wish, the copyright still belongs to me. I reserve the right to have you take any of my images down from the internet if they reflect poorly on me because of changes which you or anyone else may have done.
Please make sure that you attribute DarkFire Photography for any photo posted online or in print and that you include a link to my website: http://www.darkfirephotography.com .
What is a Talent Release Form?
A Talent Release Form» is similar to a Model Release Form but for usage prior to the recording of video (or film) productions.
Releases for Minor Children
These are versions of the above but for cases where the model or talent is a minor child. The release is then signed by the legal guardian of the child. Get the Minors Model Release Form here»